Interested in joining the lab?

The Puritz Lab of Marine Evolutionar Ecology is always looking for enthusiastic, creative, and motivated students who are interested in the evolutionary ecology and larval biology of marine organisms.  Students at all levels and from all backgrounds are welcome in our Lab.


During both the academic year and summer, there research opportunities for URI undergraduate students.  Research experiences usually include: microscope work, genetic lab work, wet lab work with larvae, and sometimes field collections.  If you’re highly-motivated and can committ to time in the lab, please get in touch with me at  Please be prepared to share your CV, research interests, schedule, and goals for your internship.

Graduate Students

The Puritz Lab accepts students through the Biological and Environmental Sciences Graduate Program either through the Ecology and Ecosystems specialization or the Evolution and Marine Biology specialization.  In general, I’m looking for graduate students who are passionate about research, are creative thinkers and problem solvers, and who are dedicated, self-motivated, and driven to succeed.  Broadly, I’m interested in how human populations alter the evolution of marine populations and in the development of research methods and bioinformatic tools to answer questions on marine organisms.  I would like my graduate students to share some of those interests, but I am also excited about the possibility of expanding the lab’s research horizons.  

Choosing a graduate program and mentor can be a difficult decision.  I highly recommend reading a few of these excellent blog posts to help inform your choices.  

“So, you want to go to grad school? Nail the inquiry email” - Jacquelyn Gill

“Information for perspective students” - Rob Toonen Wise words from my PhD advisor

“PhD Application Hints” - Joshua Drew ​

Students who are still interested should contact me directly ( to discuss their research interests and application. ​ ​